International treaty to promote the values of tolerance and multifaith discourse
The Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and the senior Moroccan Imam met at the Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem to create a memorandum of understanding leading for an international treaty
History in Jerusalem – The Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem hosted, Thursday, September 7, 2023, the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Moshe Shlomo Amar and the senior Moroccan Imam Prof. Smaili Mohammed Amin of Rabat University for a historic meeting aimed at reaching agreements that will serve as the basis for an international convention to promote tolerance and multifaith discourse.
Senior professors and clerics from Israel and Morocco attended this unique meeting, the opening salvo of a series of meetings aimed at warming relations. The Jerusalem Museum of Tolerance Jerusalem, the World Sephardi Federation and the Essaouira-Mogador Morocco organization are supporting the initiative.
In the evening, the museum hosted a gala evening in honor of André Azoulay, international advisor to the King of Morocco, Mohammed VI. Mr. Azoulay is also the founder and president of the Essaouira-Mogador organization, and is active in bringing religions closer together. The evening of appreciation was being held in his honor on the occasion of receiving Israel’s Presidential Medal of Honor for 2023.
Azoulay, who is well liked and recognized among the Moroccan community in Israel and around the world, took the stage to receive the tribute and delivered a moving speech about the heritage of his people, King Mohammed V and VI, expressing the Moroccan people's concern for the both peoples living in Israel.
The festive event was attended by ministers, ambassadors, professors and senior clerics, including Knesset Speaker MK Amir Ohana, Welfare Minister Ya’akov Margi, Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon, Moroccan Ambassador to Israel Abderrahim Beyyoudh, World Sephardi Federation Chairman Haim Cohen, Canadian Sephardi Federation Chairman Avraham Elharar, Essaouira-Mogador Center Chairman Dr. Abdullah Ozitan, Co-Chairman of the Museum of Tolerance Rabbi Marvin Hier and many other distinguished guests.
On the artistic program was the trust of the singer and creator, Lior Almaleh, who performed songs against the background of pictures and colors from beautiful Morocco
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