Museum image

The visit to the Museum of Tolerance includes a tour of 2 exhibitions.

First Exhibit

‘06:29 - From Darkness to Light’

‘06:29 – From Darkness to Light’ is a deeply moving production by the Museum of Tolerance, unveiling the unfathomable depths of evil that occurred on October 7th, alongside the extraordinary mutual support demonstrated by citizens of Israel and Jews in the diaspora since. Visitors to the exhibition will experience the transition from darkness to light through the perspective of acclaimed documentary filmmakers Noam Shalev and Kobi Sitt, and through the lens of renowned photographer Ziv Koren. The exhibition takes visitors on an in-depth journey into the events of October 7th and the profound impact on Israeli society, undergoing unprecedented upheaval.

Heartfelt Personal Testimonies

At the heart of the exhibition are testimonies from brave women from different corners of Israeli society, sharing their personal experiences from October 7th and the difficult days that followed. These testimonies are presented in an innovative video format on large screens throughout the exhibition space, providing visitors with a feeling of an intimate, face-to-face encounter with the witnesses.


Amidst the complexities, the exhibition reveals moments of hope—the light that emerges from the darkness—highlighting extraordinary acts of kindness and inspiring mutual responsibility and support shown by Israelis from all walks of life. These acts of leadership serve as a powerful reminder of the Jewish people's ability to unite in times of crisis.

Exhibition Creators

The curator of the exhibition is Malchi Shem Tov, the father of Omer Shem Tov, who was kidnapped to Gaza and is still held captive by Hamas. The narrative of the exhibition is led by Ella Shani, who lost her father, Itzik Shani, in the tragedy.

*Please note: The exhibition deals with sensitive topics and includes photographs and testimonies that may be difficult to view. Admission is recommended for ages 16 and up.

Second Exhibit

Discovering the Museum of Tolerance through the Photography Exhibition

‘Documenting Israel: 75 Years of Vision’

A special tour allowing visitors to discover and explore the creative process and vision behind the establishment of the museum, from the initial planning to its full opening.

The tour combines the renowned 'Magnum Photos' exhibition documenting Israeli society from before the establishment of the state to the modern era, with the complexities and challenges of Israeli society that the museum and its vision are connected to.

The exhibition curator, Anna Patricia Kahn, has carefully selected a unique collection of photographs to tell the complex story of Israel and its people.

Among the prominent photographers in the exhibition are Robert Capa and David "Chim" Seymour, two famous Jewish photographers who closely documented the establishment of the State of Israel and its early years between 1947 and 1956. Both gained worldwide fame for their coverage of wars and conflicts around the world, and their documentation presents an optimistic perspective on the young state that emerged after the Holocaust.

The exhibition includes new, never-before-seen documentation by photographer Inge Morath, one of the first female members of the 'Magnum' photo agency. Her photographs are displayed alongside the works of other prominent photographers, including Israeli photographer Micha Bar-Am, Helmar Lerski, Bruce Gilden and others.

Duration of the visit 

  • '06:29 Between Darkness and Light' – 45 minutes
  • Break – 10 minutes
  • ‘Documenting Israel: Visions of 75 Years' – about 35 minutes

Technical details 

  1. The visit is Guided
  2. It is advised to arrive about 15 minutes before the indicated start time.
  3. Please pay attention to the language of the tour at the desired time.
  4. Spaces are limited, so please book your visit in advance. 
  5. Please note: Permanent exhibitions will open to the public in 2025.

Benefits and Discounts

A discount for Senior citizens \ Students \ Soldiers is available upon presenting a valid ID.

Group Registration

For groups of more than 30 people and booking a Russian language tour, please contact:

For more information:

 \ 073-3946614


يعمل طاقم المتحف في هذه الايام على تنظيم سلسلة من العروض الرقمية بهدف تزويد الزوار بتجربة تلائمهم شخصيا وبالوسائل الحديثة
العروض ستعكس التنوع البشري والحضاري الموجود في العالم وفي اسرائيل. حيث يتمتع الزوار، افرادا وجماعات، بتجربة تفاعلية وبرؤية جديدة لقضايا معروفة ،محلية وعالمية، وذلك بواسطة مضامين وتجارب تدمج وسائل تكنولوجية حديثة

May 16, 2023

توثيق اسرائيل – 75 عاما من الرؤية
رحلة عبر الزمن احتفاءً بعيد الاستقلال ال 75 لدولة أسرائيل : اسرائيل في عدسة مصورين ذوي شهرة عالمية بينهم روبرت كابا، ديفيد "تسيم" سيمور، ميخا بارعام ، سيغاليت لانداو، إنغا موراث وغيرهم
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